S1: Episode 8 – The Bucket Approach to Financial Planning – Part 1

One of the most common pieces of financial advice is that it’s important to diversify your portfolio. But did you know that there is a specific way that you should be strategically allocating funds when it comes to retirement income planning?

In the first part of this three-part series, Stephen Stricklin reveals the three-bucket approach to retirement income planning. Stephen provides a holistic view of the approach, and dives into the first bucket, discussing the importance of liquid assets for planned and unplanned expenses. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The basics of the bucket approach
  • When you should be focusing on funding the liquid bucket
  • Why the liquid bucket is where you should plan for emergencies
  • The importance of being aware of planned expenses before you retire
  • And more!

Discover the importance of dividing your money strategically with the bucket approach to retirement income planning!

Resources: Wise Wealth